Wow. Has it really been almost 2 weeks since my last blog?? A few updates:
WEIGHT LOSS: I'm in the 280s now! Woo hoo! Granted, it's 289.4, but I'll TAKE IT! I'm still going to the gym a couple of times a week, and ice cream is still a weakness for me.
SINGING: What a weekend of singing I just had! Saturday, I sang The National Anthem at the American Heart Association's annual Heart Walk. That was really fun. There were about 3000 people there, and the weather was beautiful. Sunday, I sang a solo in church. It was a song that I had wanted to sing ever since I first heard it 5 years ago. I also sang on the worship team. So much fun!
MY CHRISTIAN WALK: The sermon yesterday was really good, which was a nice contrast to what felt like a beating up during the week. I think satan tries to get us down sometimes and we get in trouble when we start to believe the lies. Yesterday, the lies were set to the truth and I found some peace. I love the song we closed with, "I Surrender All." Even though I don't "have what they have" (they, meaning those who have babies, a house, a high-paying job, more money than me, etc), I can rest in Jesus & give all my worries to Him. My job is to be faithful to what He asks me to do (in His still, small voice). The results are up to Him. Listening for him. That's what I'm working on this week.
TRAVEL: We are getting ready to go down to California this weekend to spend time with all the Kammer siblings. I'm a little nervous just because we'll be doing a lot in the water and my body is not where I want it to be. But, I'm not going to let that stop me from having fun and being myself.
I hope you readers are doing well and recovering from our heatwave (if you're in the Portland area, you know of what I speak!). Life is good.