Well, not REALLY. But I AM going back under the laser. Last March, I had laser eye surgery. It IS as good as everyone told me it would be. I don't even hardly remember my life with glasses. And I wore them for 27 years!
After the Lasik, my vision was great. As time went by, I noticed that my right eye wasn't quite up to snuff. If I close my left eye, I can certainly SEE out of the right eye, but it's not as crisp as I want it. The doctor agrees that it could be better so come Monday, I'm going back under for an enhancement on the right eye. The hardest part is not the lasering or the smell of the laser as it tic tic tics away at my exposed eyeball. It's AFTER the surgery when I have to keep my eyes closed for 5 hours. Aw man! Oh well, it'll be worth it!