Monday, December 21, 2009


The Yule Tones (Bella stole the show!)

Sonny & Cher---reunited!

"River" - what can I say? It's a sad Christmas song.

Mike on guitar and Kevin on keyboard (not pictured) were awesome accompanists!

We had a great office Christmas party last Thursday. I know - you usually don't hear the words "great" and "office party" together, but it truely was! A group of us sang carols, I sang a solo, and a band from the middle school across the street came over and played a ton of festive music! Even though times are times, or maybe BECAUSE times are tough, I am thankful that I work at a fun place. I have to say, with the new addition of the "Steevie Awards", it felt an awful lot like an episode of The Office. I couldn't get the "Dundees" out of my head!


hezzzy said...

yaaaaay! I LOVE parties! Especially the kind that you sing at! Sweeeet :-)

Anonymous said...

I loved hearing you sing! I think it was a great party too. It was more festive than just sitting around and eating. Maybe we need a party-planning committee, Dundler Mifflin style!
-- Jessie