Shortly after I posted my last blog, dad called to let me know that his ride to Portland got his dates wrong and they are actually going to be here TODAY! So yeah, still excited. Just not as prepared......
Tracy Mangold
You'll still have a great time. Just remember it's about the visit not what you have or don't have ready. ;)
Just remember to get a lot of rest! How are you feeling?
Married for 11 yrs to Greg. Proud stepmother of Christianna & excited mother of TWO baby girls. Family in New Jersey and Montana. I love Portland! I wanted to do this blog because I'm always looking for a creative outlet.
You'll still have a great time. Just remember it's about the visit not what you have or don't have ready. ;)
Just remember to get a lot of rest! How are you feeling?
Tracy, you're so right! I didn't make the rolls, the roast, or the cake I had planned on and guess what?? We STILL had a great time. :-)
I'm feeling good, just moving slower and slower every day! Only 29 more days.....
Hang in there! :D *hugs
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