Wednesday, January 6, 2010


We are trying to "let" Bella feed herself more often. Daddy is better at this than I am. I know I'm a messy person, but it really bothers me to see food around her mouth, let alone EVERYWHERE!! But I know it's good for her skills building and for her to grow in her independence. Yikes! (I took these "pictures" using the snap feature on our Flip video camera - not too shabby. And yes, I will post the video - I just don't know when.)


Unknown said...

Now the real fun begins!!! She's so cute. :)

hezzzy said...

Oh brother... it definately IS a process. I'm with you. It bothers me, too to see food all over her. But lets face it, she even looks good when she wears her food! Shes even more yummier - slurpslurp xo