Wednesday, February 20, 2008


As many of you know, Margaret Becker is my FAVORITE SINGER EVER! I was introduced to her when I was 15 and fell in love with her immediately. I recently signed up for her blog and I just love it. She has created a section called "Wanna Talk", which is for having discussions about current events or "hot topics." She sets up some guidelines (basically, be civil) and away we go! Her first topic is about the 2008 elections. She asks her bloggers to discuss who they are voting for, why, and whatever else they want to add to the discussion. Margaret endorses Hillary Clinton.

I decided to leave my own blog entry as part of the discussion. Here it is.....

  • Your "Wanna Talk" section makes me appreciate all the more the lyrics to "Honesty." The picture that song paints has done more for my relationship with Jesus than any other element of the faith. How refreshing to see a Christian woman NOT fitting the mold and just blindly voting for a Republican. When I first registered to vote at 18 years old (15 years ago), I registered as a Republican. Since that time, I have always voted on party lines, where candidates are concerned (not always where ISSUES are concerned.)
    But during the last 4 years, I've done a lot of thinking. Maggie, there WERE no WMDs. Osama is NOT in Iraq. What in the heck are we doing there?? NCLB is not working. And this has all been under Republican leadership. So what do I do with these new insights, especially in light of the fact that I love Jesus? Is it as simple as the now-trite "WWJD?" It CAN'T be that simple. However, it doesn't have to be complex, either. I no longer want to vote Republican because "that's what every good Christian does", nor do I want to vote Democrat just to be contrary to the Christian masses (like you said, a dissenting voice).
    But I get overwhelmed with thinking that there is a right or wrong choice and that if I vote for the president who, it will be revealed later, is arm-in-arm with the antichrist, will I be smitten? Smote? Smited? Whatever the word is, I don't want to endure God's wrath if I choose the wrong person. But then, by espousing that fear, I am saying that the salvation of the U.S., and subsequently the world, lies in my hands, which it doesn't. See, right about now, my brain feels like it's got a beanie propeller on it and it's whirling and whirling and whirling and POP! It just burst out of my skull! ha ha! It's just so much to think about.
    Breathe. Jesus is with you. HE is omnipotent. HE is omniscient. HE is in control. Breathe. Be at peace. His peace He gives to me. His peace He leaves with me. His peace will carry me through this decision and other decisions. And the beanie rests nicely on my brain again. THUD. I only hope I don't hear its whirring again until AFTER the election. Or at least until tomorrow.


hezzzy said...

This was a very interesting essay on politics & where does Jesus fit into it. I'm not as privy as you at the moment on this particular topic but respect you greatly for getting involved in this discussion. You're a great thinker & love these opinions flying around & being in the thick of it. You Are Engaged. AWESOME!

Star Char said...

Thanks, Hez. I am really wanting people to comment on this particular post. I'm afraid they're going to read the baby post and not get any farther in the blog. Come on, people! Our lives are MULTI-faceted. There's more than going on in my life and brain than just baby-making!